Our Service


Each individual will have a designed programme of support to meet their individual assessed needs in an environment that provides stability, consistency and acceptance.

As a team we have proven experience in supporting individuals with complex needs and challenging behaviors and our ethos of remaining positive, persistent and consistent will enable individuals with enduring problems to experience the feelings of safety, familiarity and progression that many often haven’t experienced before.

Whilst our packages of care and support plans are designed to meet each person’s needs, the 24hr care provided by the Onsite team is also supported by the central outreach team who can offer additional and timely support when required e.g. OT, SLT, Psychology & Psychiatry. As an organization our highly skilled teams of professionals constantly reflect and review on their practice enabling the team to be consistent in the delivery of quality care. We utilise evidence- based practice to guide and define innovative care packages.


Our Philosophy of Care


Our work reflects the belief that every adult has the right to be treated as an individual.

We aim to create opportunities for relationship building. This will lead towards the development of trust and allow opportunities for people to develop and maintain trust with realistic recognition that the best intentions/plans are not always realised and that some failure is inevitable.

Our aim is always to promote a way of life for our service users, which enables them to enjoy, to the greatest extent, their rights as individuals.

In doing this we will observe the following principles.


Hamilton Court understands that the right to dignity involves recognising the inherent value of people, by respecting their unique qualities as individuals and the specific nature of each person's needs.


An individual's right to privacy involves being free from intrusion or unwelcome attention. We will provide all of our residents with as much private space as possible, we will respect the privacy of individual's rooms and relationships, and confidentiality of information. Hamilton Court will endeavour to maximise our resident’s privacy. Staff are trained in this area, and we have systems and procedures in place.


We will provide all our residents with support and encouragement to stay in control of as much of their lives as possible. We will help our residents maintain as much of their independence as is possible.


We are in no doubt that concern for security forms a major part in most people’s decision to go into a home. Hamilton Court will respond to our residents needs for reasonable security by doing the following:

  • We will ensure that help is readily available for any person who need help urgently.

  • We will provide residents with a safe environment.

  • We will carry out regular risk assessments of our premises, equipment used, and the activities of our individual residents.

We will put a vigorous system in place for checking the background of new staff, together with ongoing training of staff to ensure that services are delivered responsibly, professionally and with compassion.


The opportunity to select independently from a range of options. Our residents are given as wide a range of choice as possible by doing the following:

  • At Hamilton Court our residents can choose timings for example: getting up, when and where to have their meals


The opportunity to realise personal aspirations and abilities. We will ensure that our residents continue to fulfil their aspirations and abilities by:

  • Organising a diverse programme of social and cultural activities within our home and encourage residents to participate in outside activities of their choice.

  • We will take time to understand and respond to the wishes of any or our residents who would like to take part in any event or activity.

Our home is welcoming and we encourage residents to entertain their relatives and friends, to invite them to dinner, to birthday parties, and special celebrations. Residents are free to use the Activity Lounge for parties and special occasions. It is our aim to do everything possible to enable our residents to have a happy life.